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Alembic in 2021 (part3)

  • Alembic
  • bash
  • Data Science
  • en
  • english
  • ETL
  • geospatial
  • GIS
  • h3
  • hexagons
  • Jupyter
  • PostGIS
  • uber
  • Par Tarek Baaga, le 23 juin 2021

    In the last tutorials, we experimented with the basics of Alembic. In this tutorial, we are going to take it up a notch by creating and migrating functions with Alembic Utils.

    Alembic Utils

    This extension is used with Alembic to make the creation of function, views, or trigger a very simple and fast process.

    Create a Function

    from alembic import op
    from alembic_utils.pg_function import PGFunction

    After the necessary import we add the upgrade and downgrade functions like this:

    def upgrade():
        public_to_upper = PGFunction(
            RETURNS TABLE(buffercreated geometry)
            LANGUAGE sql
                AS $function$ 
        	    select ST_Transform(ST_Buffer(ST_Transform(geom, 3857), $1), 4326) 
        	    from public.geomtable
    def downgrade():
        public_to_upper = PGFunction(
            definition="# Not Used"

    The function created lets you add a buffer around the point of the geomtable created previously. 

    Another interesting thing to try is to migrate the created function from the public schema to the tiger schema for example:

    Before inserting anything in the upgrade and downgrade functions, we have to define the targeted function and store it in a list that may contain one or multiple functions:

    bufferfunction = {
        'signature': """createbuffer(integer)""",
        'definition': """
      RETURNS TABLE(buffercreated geometry)
     LANGUAGE sql
    AS $function$ 
        	    select ST_Transform(ST_Buffer(ST_Transform(geom, 3857), $1), 4326) 
        	    from public.geomtable
    list_of_function_descriptions_to_migrate = [
    list_of_functions_in_public = [
            definition=f['definition']) for f in
    list_of_functions_in_tiger = [
                   definition=f['definition']) for f in

    All we have to do now is iterate over the buffer function dictionary to move the function to the tiger schema or send it back in public. This method can scale up very well when there are multiple functions to migrate all at once:

    def upgrade():
        for function_in_public in list_of_functions_in_public:
        for function_in_tiger in list_of_functions_in_tiger:
    def downgrade():
        for function_in_tiger in list_of_functions_in_tiger:
        for function_in_public in list_of_functions_in_public:

    The basics of using hexagons

    The first thing to do on top of the PostGIS extension is to add the pgh3 extension in a new alembic revision. In the second article, we added the ph3 extension to be able to add the h3. (For more information about hexagons, check out our blog post):

            'create extension IF NOT EXISTS pgh3'

    We developed a schema inside our team that we go through every time we are about to use hexagons:

    Schema representing the creation process of H3 hexagons from geospatial data.

    Now that we added the extension pgh3, we can use the shapefile of the table Quartier sociologiques 2014 to generate hexagons from the geom like this:

    with envelope as (
                select st_envelope(geom) geom from "Quartiers_sociologiques_2014"
            ), h3_id as (
                select h3_polyfill(geom, 8) id from envelope
            ), h3 as (
                select id, st_setsrid(h3_h3index_to_geoboundary(id), 4326) geom from h3_id
            select, h3.geom from h3

    The query is divided into three steps. The first one is to create a bounding box that surrounds each geometry. The second step is to use the h3_polyfill function and choose a resolution (8 in this case). This second step gives us the H3 index but without the geometry. If we want the geometry of the hexagons we have to use h3_h3index_to_geoboundary function that convert the h3 index into polygon coordinates. In this case, we add a special projection with the PostGIS function st_setsrid. You can read more about h3 function here:

    Create hexagons with function

    Now let’s use the query for the hexagons to create a function where we can choose the resolution of the hexagons. The next step is to add the function in the Alembic file:

    def upgrade():
        create_hexes = PGFunction(
            signature="create_hexes(resolution integer)",
            RETURNS TABLE(hexa_id text, hexa_geom geometry)
            LANGUAGE plpgsql
            AS $function$
                return query
                    with envelope as (
                        select st_envelope(geom) geom from "Quartiers_sociologiques_2014"
                    ), h3_id as (
                        select h3_polyfill(geom, resolution) id from envelope
                    ), h3 as (
                        select id, st_setsrid(h3_h3index_to_geoboundary(id), 4326) geom from h3_id
                    select, h3.geom from h3;
    def downgrade():
        create_hexes = PGFunction(
            signature="create_hexes(resolution integer)",
            definition="# Not Used"

    By using this function and choosing the resolution 8 as a parameter we can see the hexagons like this:

    Image representing hexagons at resolution 8.

    Aggregate points onto hexes

    Until now, we saw how to transform polygons into hexagons but what about the point data type?

    By generating the hexagons first by using the table ”Quartiers_sociologiques_2014″, we are able to generate hexagons for the table representing the location of outdoor Wi-Fi coverage areas based in Montreal (mtlwifi_bornes)

    The query is broken down as the following:

    with envelope as (
                select st_envelope(geom) geom from public."Quartiers_sociologiques_2014"
            ), h3_id as (
                select h3_polyfill(geom, 8) id from envelope
            ), h3 as ( 
              select id, st_setsrid(h3_h3index_to_geoboundary(id), 4326) geom 
              from h3_id
              ), p as (
                select geom, "type" from mtlwifi_bornes as p
            select, h3.geom, p."type" from h3, p 
            where h3.geom && p.geom and st_dwithin(ST_transform(h3.geom, 3857), ST_transform(p.geom, 3857), 150)
            group by, h3.geom, p."type"

    First of all the query is creating hexagons, and then by using the spatial function st_dwithin we are getting the number of wifi networks that are within 150m. (Don’t forget to project your data into EPSG:3857 to be able to use meters). Instead of using ST_Intersects with a buffer, we used ST_DWithin to simplify the query. The result obtained will look like this:

    The montreal wifi hotspots points aggregated into hexagons.

    If you are interested in seeing another use case of hexagons applied this time to real estate, check out our blog post here:

    Alembic automation

    Until now, we saw how to upgrade the alembic files manually, but we could add another service in the docker-compose file to add the python dependency and to run the alembic upgrade command:

          context: .
          dockerfile: osgeo.Dockerfile
          EPSG_CODE: 4326
          - db
          - ./geodata:/geodata
          - ./etl:/etl
        command: alembic upgrade head

    Final thoughts

    Alembic is great for migrations and it’s especially powerful when you have multiple things that add up as the weeks go by. Instead of doing things all at once, you can add new functionality as things evolve in time without breaking your colleague’s database state. It also makes the debugging much easier as the versions are separated into multiple files so you can isolate the problem much faster.

    That’s it for those tutorials, and we hope that you enjoyed it!!

    You can find the github repo at:

    Don’t forget to follow us on social media (all the links are available at the start of this article) 😀.